CodeRed Emergency Notification System
The Village of North Utica has instituted the CodeRed Emergency Notification System…an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications.
This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas of the Village in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action. The system delivers our recorded message to a live person or an answering machine, making three attempts to connect to any number.
If you are a resident of Utica or have a business located in Utica…
Click here to register your phone number.
—Only register a phone number once—
Please note: On the CodeRed site, click the box to switch to business phone registration.
The system is used for emergency purposes only.
Examples of times when CodeRed could be utilized:
Drinking water contamination, Utility outage, Evacuation notice & route, Missing person, Fires or Floods, Bomb threat, Hostage situation, Chemical spill or Gas leak, & other emergency incidents where rapid & accurate notification is essential for life safety.