Eagle Watch Weekend 2025

Eagle Watch Weekend will take place on Saturday, January 25 and Sunday, January 26, 2025. This is a two-day, family-friendly event! Admission is free to all events and exhibits. Look below to see event times & locations.


Birds of Prey” Programs will take place at:

Starved Rock Lodge & Conference Center
The Starved Rock State Park Visitor Center
The Illinois Waterway Visitor Center
The Utica Village Hall Gym & Welcome Center

There will also be educational exhibits in the Great Hall of Starved Rock Lodge.

Birds of Prey Program Presenters will be:
The Illinois Raptor Center
Hoo Haven
Stillman Nature Center


About Our Presenters:
Illinois Raptor Center works to ensure the well-being of native animals through wildlife rehabilitation; to increase conservation awareness through educational outreach; to contribute expertise and support to conservation partners; and to improve our understanding of wildlife health through hands on research.

Stillman Nature Center is home to a number of birds of prey that are not able to be released in the wild. These raptors are used for educational programs both at the nature center and throughout the region.

Hoo Haven is dedicated to rehabilitating and releasing sick, injured and orphaned North American Wildlife. Goals are to educate individuals to the importance of the conservation of Mother Earth, maintain the land, and to keep it clean and beautiful for all.

Wildlife Prairie Park is located just outside of Peoria, IL. The 1,800-acre zoological park is home to 60 different species and over 180 animals that are or were all native to the area.


Great Hall Exhibitors include:
David Anderson’s Nature Photography
Heritage Corridor Destinations & the Starved Rock Country Welcome Center
Illinois Beach State Park Hawk Watch
IDNR Carp/Copi Team (Justin Widloe)
IDNR Climate Action Team (Chris Young)
IDNR McHenry Dam Osprey Exhibit
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Illinois State Museum’s Birds of Prey Education Exhibit
Sandra Rust’s Nature Photography & Art
Starved Rock Foundation
Starved Rock Hikers
University of Illinois Extension (Master Naturalist Ellen Evancheck)

Viewing Scopes

Throughout the weekend, Starved Rock Audubon Society members will have viewing scopes at the IL Waterway Visitor Center (located at 95027th Road; Ottawa, IL). Audubon Society members will be available to answer Bald Eagle questions.

Winter Guided Hikes ($20 per person)

Winter Guided hikes will be offered by Starved Rock Lodge both days, departing at 10am from the Lobby of Starved Rock Lodge. Hikers will learn about American Bald Eagles and why they like to roost along the Illinois River. Tickets are $20 per person and include a souvenir (drawstring) backpack, granola bar, water and a voucher for coffee or hot chocolate in the Starved Rock Cafe.
Reservations are required. Call (815) 220-7386 or book online at: starvedrocklodge.com.

About the Trolley Shuttle

Trolleys from Starved Rock Lodge will run in a loop both days, offering transportation to the four event sites from 9am to 4pm. Wristbands (for unlimited rides) will be $5 each, per person, per day. Passengers may purchase tickets with cash on the trolley or go to the Starved Rock Lodge Activities Department for credit card purchases.


Schedule of Events

Starved Rock Lodge
1 Lodge Lane, Oglesby, IL
(815) 667-4211

10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm
Presenter: Illinois Raptor Center
Live Birds of Prey Program
45 Minutes
200 people max.

9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Exhibitors in the Great Hall

10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm
Presenter: Illinois Raptor Center
Live Birds of Prey Program
45 Minutes
200 people max.

9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Exhibitors in the Great Hall

Illinois Waterway Visitor Center
950 27th Road, Ottawa, IL
(815) 667-4054

10:30 am, 1:30 pm
Presenter: Stillman Nature Center
Live Birds of Prey Program
45 Minutes
75 people max.

3:30 pm
Presenter: Wildlife Prairie Park
Feathered Friends Program
45 Minutes
75 people max.

10:30 am, 1:30 pm
Presenter: Hoo Haven
Live Birds of Prey Program
45 Minutes
75 people max.

3:30 pm
Kids Program
Wildlife Prairie Park
Owl Pellet Dissection
One Hour Interactive Program
32 people max.

Starved Rock Audubon Society
will have viewing scopes available
and answer bald eagle questions
all weekend!

Utica Village Hall
248 W Canal Street, Utica, IL
(815) 667-4111

10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm
Presenter: Illinois Raptor Center
Live Birds of Prey Program
45 Minutes
100 people max.

11:00 am
Heritage Corridor Kids Program
Wearable Bald Eagle Wing Craft
One Hour Interactive Program
20 children max.

10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm
Presenter: Illinois Raptor Center
Live Birds of Prey Program
45 Minutes
100 people max.

11:00 am
Heritage Corridor Kids Program
Wearable Bald Eagle Wings Craft
One Hour Interactive Program
20 children max.

Starved Rock State Park
Visitor Center
2678 East 873 Road, Oglesby, IL
(815) 667-4726

10:30 am, 1:30 pm
Presenter: Hoo Haven
Live Birds of Prey Program
45 Minutes
80 people max.

12:00 pm
Natalie Martin
Bald Eagle Craft and Story Time
45 Minute Interactive Program
40 people max.

12:00 pm-2:00 pm
Photos with Sadie
“The Starved Rock Eagle Character”

10:30 am, 1:30 pm
Presenter: Stillman Nature Center
Live Birds of Prey Program
45 Minutes
80 people max.

12:00 pm-2:00 pm
Photos with Sadie
“The Starved Rock Eagle Character”

 Thank you to our supporters:

Eagle Watch Weekend is made possible thanks to support from LaSalle County Tourism, Heritage Corridor Destinations and Starved Rock Lodge in collaboration with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Starved Rock State Park, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Rock Island District) Illinois Waterway Visitor Center and the Village of North Utica.

As in the past, a variety of educational and photographic exhibits will be on display in the Great Hall of Starved Rock Lodge from 9am to 4pm both Saturday and Sunday.


Jan 26 2025


9:00 am - 4:00 pm